Signature workshop: Psychic Self Defence by Shamala

“I really enjoy Shamala's teaching style and she is very knowledgeable on the subjects taught. Definitely pleased I attended the Psychic Defence Workshop. Thank you.” - Diane Giles

“I have found the scientific approach to developing greater self-awareness in your classes very, very, useful. All the information/knowledge/tools that you taught to us in your Psychic Self Defense workshop was what I needed most in my entire life. Thank you very much!” - Mariko

“Despite already knowing alot about psychic protection, Shamala was able to introduce more information which I was delighted and grateful to discover. She was very knowledgeable and her energy was calm and unlike some teachers/mentors/facilitators, she did not make me feel like she was superior which was awesome. Shamala also paced the workshop perfectly over 3 days, which provided time for the body to rest and adjust to the healings and clearings facilitated. All in all, a highly recommended workshop!” - Nicole T


CLICK HERE for the Psychic Self Defence Workshop



Testimonials From Clients

What I really like about Shamala is that she’s super direct. She tunes into the heart of the problem and begins to generate solutions, possibilities and options. Although she’s also kind, it’s this directness that I want from a coach….if I wanted my hand held, I’d have called my mum  ~ Emma Patricio
Shamala is an effective listener: gifted at pinpointing the core of an enquiry and delving deeper to identify challenges and ideas to address them. ~ Suzie Kim
More Testimonials
Yes, the free 15 minutes session with Shamala was very beneficial.
Shamala was able to ask me direct questions that soon after, I had a clear understand of how to being productive and have clarity on solving one of my challenges. ~ Nick Catricala
Testimonial from a Fitness Coach
I came to Shamala with the purpose of figuring out myself and also for resolving my personal issues that have been persistent for a long time.
Lost, confused and felt hopeless, I could not comprehend what I was going through during that phase of my life. It was difficult to find the answers that I was seeking, moreover further diluted with the inputs of other people who couldn’t understand.
When I did my sessions with Shamala, I absolutely appreciated how she approached my situation with questions tackling the issues and yet with a delicate approach. It wasn’t a “you must not feel this way” at all, but carefully handling my spiritual journey with appropriate assignments and meaningful questions.
Overtime, I found myself more connected with my inner self and found that I was able to gain strength to face difficult situations that I used to be fearful and unnatural in front of since a young age. I also discovered the emotional blocks that I had always possessed for a long time, and gradually removed them during the course of my spiritual coaching with Shamala. As a result, it also propelled my career in terms of being more connected with my clients.
If you are looking to change your life, yet are always facing obstacles by pressure or your environment, I would highly recommend Shamala to guide you along. Be prepared to do the recommended assignments and practise what is given too!
As they say, “if you are looking for investments with high returns and low risk, invest in yourself”, with this said, engaging Shamala was the best investment for myself. – Fitness Coach


I worked with Shamala on the 4 body holistic coaching for 3 months and even continued on for another month after that. I found Shamala to be a great teacher and coach for me who gave me the push I needed in areas that we were working on throughout the coaching program. Shamala is honest, kind, supportive and has amazing insight into what is currently going on in my life which helped me to also be open to see what was going on as well, giving me great insight into myself. Through the clearing meditation that I received from Shamala in which I used daily I found that my energy levels were greatly increased and I was able to protect myself from others negative energies to keep myself safe. Shamala gave me the tools and skills I needed to help me work through past and present issues allowing me to clear a lot of negative emotions and blocks. I highly recommend working with Shamala who has been such an amazing teacher and coach guiding me through this journey, helping me with self love, self confidence, self empowerment and uplifting my energy fields through working on the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies. Thank you Shamala, I am so very grateful. Karen Brisbane, Australia


Working with Shamala for  2 months was an amazing experience for me . She has helped and supported me through my personal power and inner child blocks. She was readily available when I needed her via email when I felt the grasp of the negative ego trying to take over. I always looked forward to my weekly sessions with Shamala, it always ended with great insight and upliftment. She worked through the process with a positive and supportive attitude. I am grateful to have worked with her. I only finished thus far the 2 months of the 3 month fast track program, but within this time I have felt a great shift in my being. I definitely feel more confidence, self love and power to do what i was meant to do in this life. I will definitely finish up my 3rd month of the program and continue to work with Shamala as she has been a wonder to work with and shift me out of my blocks. Thank you Shamala! ~ C.R. from California


More testimonials from past clients — Due to the sensitivity of the clients’ needs, most names have been withheld on request.

Dear Shamala,

Excuse the delay here! I just wanted to thank you for the healing session. As you will be aware, it is having such a great, well – needed impact on my life I really needed it – as you will be well aware! I’m very grateful for the path you have chosen, and your service has proven priceless to me.

Thank you so much!

Much love and blessings always!


Thank you so much once again Shamala. I have listened to the CDs and is starting ti clear my energy fields now……everything is much appreciated  

Warm Regards,


Dear Shamala,

Thank you so much for the clearing session, I feel energetic in the last couple of days. I feel I am given a new lease of life. I can not thank you and the Masters enough for healing me in such a wonderful arragment that is completed successfully.. …….

Once again, thank you so much for your help, your love & blessings.  There should be more people like you around so there will be less people seeing Psychiatrists.

With love from the bottom of my heart,


Dear Shamala this is really care for your fellow. This work have no price.


Dear Shamala for long time I have a complicated health and I was for a list 4 years with terrible terribles pains all over (now we know why). They are gone.

Shamala God bless us and Thanks, thanks, thanks.



Dear Shamala:

Thank you for your healing again! I listened the CD, and I felt great pain that I had had before as if I released the residues of the past negative energy again.

I keep releasing and healing with the CD for 21 days and more If I need.


Dear Shamala,

Hope you are having a good new year and all is well.

Shamala since having  a negative elementals session with you 12 months ago. My life has profoundly changed. I have gone from being the victim to becoming more empowered. For This ” I Thankyou”.


Dear Shamala,

I could have never really thanked you enough for your selfless assistance to my smaller son and me.

If you remember in last August as an emergency you facilitated a Clearing-Healing Session for him, but you addressed it to me.

And Look at him now ! He is working and renting his own little unit. He got the job what he wanted and very quickly without any problem. And now he and his girlfriend are healthy and happy together.

Thank you!

Much love,


Dearest Shamala,

Thank you very much for that very powerful HEALING/CLEARING/COUNSELING session. I had some amazing experiences last night while you were all helping me and then again today while listening to it. I will be sure to follow your recommendations.

Thank you for this amazing gift you have provided for me and alI of your time and energy you have put into helping me. I greatly appreciate everything. I feel truly blessed by your kindness!

Please let me know when the time becomes available for the other reading. Thank You!

Many Blessings and Much Love, Light and Power,


Hi Shamala,

I just want to express my utmost gratitude for the amazing session you, Lady Kwan Yin and Dwhal Khul have prepared for me. It is indeed beyond my expectations, and I will be listening and enjoying it for many days, months and years to come.

I commend you for the service work you’re doing for all of humanity.



Namaste Shamala,

How are you today?

Just keeping in touch with you to see how things are ….

I have completed my 21 days of the last two sessions …

Genetic clearing and Subconscious reprogramming ….

AMAZING is all I have to say ….

I commend you and thank you for everything that you do…..


Dear Shamala,

Thank you very much for the session you sent. I had just completed my first session and I feel blessed for having found this work.

Until next time…

Warmest Regards,





Dear Shamala.

I have no words to tell you how impress, blessed I am after I have hard the first time your CD, the pains are gone. I still have high blood pressure, but I know will  be gone.

I am continuing to hear the CD every day and I fell like to be hearing all day long.


Dear Shamala,

Thank You so much, listening to the session just makes me feel so much better and empowers me everytime. I really needed this and it came. You are so kind and helpful. Keep doing what you love! I hope to talk to you more often!

Infinite blessings,


Shamala, I downloaded the mp3 and did it this evening. it is the most profound clearing and healing I ever had.


Dear Shamala,

I’m very grateful for your enlightening work. We both enjoyed it very much. I’ve already downloaded the files.

Thank you!

Love & light,


Hello my beloved Shamala

MP3 have been downloaded successfully…………and be listened also…….

It was a very powerful session, very assisting in the New Energies I would like to move and contained a lot of information also of knowing ‘how’….is it going to happen…….

This is a great tool to use

Thank you very much for being a part of this proccess and a Wayshower to the New Paradigm, Ascension of me, Ascension of Mother Earth….be one with Eternal Self…….

May Love and Peace be on your Path……..


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