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You've done the inner work. You've had the insights. So why hasn't anything changed? Why do you still get triggered?

Because knowing isn't the same as healing.

If logic alone could fix emotions, you wouldn't still feel stuck. Healing happens when you rewire your emotional responses - at the root.

That's what The Emotional Empowerment Blueprint is designed for: Recognise patterns; Heal triggers; Rebuild self trust.

You're not broken. But if you're ready for real change, this is where it starts. 

More Info Here

Take the First Step to Emotional Mastery 

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions or stuck in patterns you can’t seem to break, you’re not alone. Emotional mastery isn’t about suppressing your feelings—it’s about learning how to work with them to create more peace, clarity, and control in your life.

It’s simple, practical, and written for anyone ready to grow.

Go Here

Resource on YouTube

Inner Parenting: The Art Of Fulfilling Your Own Emotional Needs

The Art Of Inner Parenting 

Inner Child & Shadow Work Part 1

Inner Child & Shadow Work Part 2

Navigating Narcissistic Relationships E-Book

Struggling with a narcissistic partner, friend, or family member? Discover powerful strategies and insights in this ebook that will help you reclaim your life and well-being.
Read the first chapter for FREE or purchase the E-book for SGD$6.99 and start your journey towards empowerment and peace.

Tap Here For More

Are You Struggling In A Toxic Relationship?

Feeling lost and overwhelmed in a narcissistic relationship? The True North Program offers personalized coaching with Shamala Tan, a survivor of narcissistic abuse and a seasoned counselor in spiritual psychology. Through tailored sessions that blend deep psychological insights with spiritual guidance, Shamala will help you navigate the challenges of gaslighting and toxic relationships. Start your journey towards healing and empowerment today.

Learn More

Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused when we are living to please others - Paulo Coelho

Featured Article:
The Profound Importance of Differentiating Inner Child Needs and Adult Self Needs

Click on link to read

Private Sessions

Energy/Tarot Reading, Shadow Work Therapy, Spiritual Coaching

Click here for more info

Channeled Ray Reading

Understanding your ray energies from your Soul self. So that you may understand your purpose on earrth


What is a Gene Key Profile Session

Click here for more info

Soul Blueprint & Profiling Session

In our journey towards self-discovery and a deeper understanding of our spiritual essence, it's pivotal to find practices that resonate with our individual paths. This is the heart of my work with Soul Blueprint and Profiling, a personalized service designed to uncover the unique energetic blueprint that shapes your existence. What Is Soul BluePrint & Profiling?

New Zoom Service available for non-physical sessions - Healing & Bio-resonance Therapy, use nature's energies to improve your well being

Click here for more info

Download The Ebook Butterflies Can't See Their Wings

I'm planting a tree via with every download. (During this time, I'm targeting 500 more trees for the planet!) Let's make it count for the earth, please whitelist my email address and check your spam, [email protected] Thank you so much.

"Thank you Shamala. Reading your article has helped me to understand how the lower and higher ego work. It has helped to have more self observation and achieving the inner peace which ultimately is far more important , at the same time to not simply stay away based on avoiding negativity but instead observe action arising out of insight is more effective than action arising out of negativity . Thank you. "

P. L.
- Newsletter Subscriber

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