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Blog Posts

Are you addicted to running away from pain?

The madness, the division, the hate, the ignorant, the misinformation, the addiction to cyber reality, the disconnect, the lure of the fake, the drugs that numb -- these are all removing us, step by step away from our humanity, our human-ness. 

It is better to be messy with all the emotions and deep pain than to be removed from them in delusionary and illusionary ways because without our human emotions and our human connection, this will lead us further away from our soul and our...

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Our addiction to suffering

What if all of us were made with a fixed blueprint and that life is not such a mystery? What if each of us came with this map of our blueprint that tells us exactly how we should navigate in this world? What if we knew exactly what are our strengths, weaknesses and exactly how to work with them?

If you had all of this information, how do you think you would operate?

The thing with us humans is that even if we were given all of these, there's a chance that we would veer away from the...

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