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Embracing All Aspects of You: Practical Know Hows To Integrate

We all have moments when we feel fragmented—pulled in different directions by our thoughts, emotions, and physical needs. The journey of self-integration is about bringing these parts of ourselves into harmony, creating a deep sense of peace, stability, and self-acceptance. As someone who has always lived a holistic life and walked the path of shadow work and depth psychology, I’ve learnt that integration is not a quick fix. It’s a practice—a series of small but powerful steps that lead to lasti...

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The Illusion of Control: Why Managing Others' Feelings Is About Us, Not Them

Understanding Emotional Boundaries

In our interpersonal relationships, the impulse to manage the emotional climate is a common trait. We strive for harmony, often believing that if we can keep others happy, our lives will be smoother. Yet, this inclination to control can be a double-edged sword, affecting our well-being and personal growth. Emotional boundaries are the invisible lines we draw to protect our sense of self and autonomy. They help us recognize where we end and another person begin...

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The Magic of Being Real: A Personal Journey Through Life's Lessons

Do you remember a time when you were afraid to speak your mind? Or those moments when you felt the need to act in a way just to fit in? I've had those moments too, many times. But with time and experience, I learned some powerful life lessons. 

The True Magic of Honesty

Growing up, I often thought that if I shared my true feelings or if I was too open, people would judge me or even avoid me. But through time and experience, I discovered the true magic of honesty.

When I started speaking the t...

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Shadows of the Mind: Deciphering Delusions from Personal Experiences to Society

My Journey with Understanding Delusions

Ever since I was a child, I've been fascinated by the way our minds work. One topic that has always intrigued me is the concept of delusions. I've seen friends and family members grapple with them, and I've even faced moments of confusion myself. Today, I want to share my insights on this topic, hoping it might shed some light for others.

What Exactly Are Delusions?

When I first heard the term "delusion," I pictured wild fantasies and far-fetched tales....

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When We Think Our Unhappiness Entitles Us To Be Rude

How often do we feel entitled to be rude when we're unhappy about something? It's as if unhappiness grants us permission to behave like brats. Unfortunately, this attitude is all too common, especially in restaurants where people become nasty when they don't get what they want. But should money really buy manners? Perhaps a little more courtesy would go a long way in solving these problems.

On several occasions, I've found myself apologizing to wait staff on behalf of my friends or family for t...

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From Struggle to Serenity: Transforming Negative Feelings into Positive Energies

Uncovering the Roots of Your Negative Emotions and Learning to Embrace Love, Joy, and Peace

I wanted to talk to you today about negative emotions and feelings and how they can impact our lives.

It's common for people to think that it's okay to indulge in negative emotions and feelings, and there's this popular new age phrase to "go with the flow". But I think this phrase can be misleading. What flow is this? It could be a negative flow if someone is in a negative state of mind, or it could b

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When People Have A Habit Of Letting You Down, What Can You Do?

You may have read articles or books that tell you to remove yourself from people who have made it a habit of letting you down. Yes, we all know this in our heads and hearts. But the reality is, there are some circumstances in life, where you may be torn as to whether you should remove yourself or the other person from your life. For example, it can be a business partner, a colleague, a parent, a sibling, a spouse, or an ex whom you share children with.

What can you do in these circumstances?


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Emotional Maturity, and the challenges from the lack of it

How often have we heard of stories or know of people in our lives who refuse to grow up emotionally?

The thing is there are few immediate clear signs of someone who is emotionally immature until you know them on a deeper level, and the signs become more obvious.

Of course, the immediate clear signs would be those who easily have emotional outbursts, or they lose their temper easily. Sometimes, people think that these are people with strong personalities when in truth they are just emotionally ...

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How To Lose In Order To Win

Have you ever heard of this concept of losing in order to win?

This idea of losing in order to win doesn't seem to make sense right? Well, this idea only works if you are able to be bigger than your ego. So what does that entail?

When our ego or lower ego, as I like to call it, is bigger than our true self, than it is hard to allow ourselves to lose. Because the lower ego thinks in terms of winning and losing, and the lower ego keeps scores.

If we are bigger than the lower ego, what this mean...

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Why Must We Suffer - Shamala Tan, Spiritual Coach/Healer

The very first thing we must get right within our own mindsets when we are suffering is that it is not personal. I know, this sounds oxymoronic, because the experience of suffering is really so personal!

We feel so attacked by life, by people, by circumstances and everything around us. 

Why do I say not to take it personally? We suffer to acknowledge several things -- to acknowledge our humane-ness with the rest of the human race, and to develop the ultimate superpower of compassion. 

For man...

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