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Blog Posts

Stop Calling Yourself a Survivor—Start Thriving Today

When we go through challenging or traumatic experiences, it’s natural to identify as a survivor. The word itself holds strength and resilience, symbolising that we’ve made it through the storm. However, as powerful as “survivor” is, it’s only one step in the journey. To truly embrace healing and empowerment, it’s time to shift the narrative to that of a thriver.

Here’s why:

Survivor vs Thriver: The Key Difference

A survivor is someone who has endured,...

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What Kind of Tree Will You Be?

Life has a way of testing us. One moment, everything feels calm and predictable; the next, we’re standing in the middle of a storm, with the wind tearing through everything familiar. These winds of life—stress, loss, conflict—are inevitable. The real question isn’t whether they’ll come. The question is: how will you respond when they do?

The Resilient Tree

Imagine a tree in the midst of a storm. Two trees, standing side by side, face the same gusts of wind. One...

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