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Developing Discernment: Why Blindly Trusting Spiritual Leaders Can Be Problematic

In our quest for spiritual growth and enlightenment, we often seek guidance from spiritual leaders, teachers, and gurus (this includes pastors, priests, nuns, monks, etc). We hold them in high regard, believing they possess profound wisdom to navigate life's complexities. Yet, amidst our admiration, it is crucial to acknowledge the importance of understanding the darkness within ourselves. By exploring our motivations and emotional patterns, we can perceive the shadows that also exist in our spiritual leaders.

Let's delve into the significance of self-reflection in uncovering hidden aspects, allowing us to discern the true essence of those who guide us on our spiritual journey.

The Mirror of Self-Understanding:

To truly comprehend the darkness that may linger within our spiritual leaders, we must first confront our inner shadows. Our motivations, emotional patterns, and behaviours shape how we perceive the world. By embarking on a journey of self-exploration and self-awareness, we gain clarity and insight into the intricate workings of our psyche.

Acknowledging Imperfections and Making Adjustments:

None of us are perfect, and as we delve into our depths, we realize our own imperfections. Embracing our flawed nature enables us to make necessary adjustments, aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our spiritual aspirations. By understanding and addressing our shadows, we develop an empathetic lens that allows us to observe and understand the hidden layers of others.

The Distraction of External Focus:

In today's society, external validation and guidance often draw our attention away from introspection. However, this constant outward focus can be a distraction, preventing us from diving into the core of our being. Through introspection, we gain the tools to discern the true nature of our spiritual leaders.

Illuminating Spiritual Leaders:

By embarking on a journey of self-discovery, we unlock a wealth of wisdom residing within us. This inner wisdom becomes our compass, guiding us to understand how we operate. As we recognize our strengths, weaknesses, and shadows, we cultivate a discerning eye. This discernment extends beyond ourselves and enables us to perceive the true essence of our spiritual leaders.

Perceiving Darkness in Leaders:

It is not about judgment, but rather an appreciation for the multifaceted nature of human existence. Just as we have shadows, our leaders do too. Acknowledging this truth allows us to approach them with compassion, understanding, and a discerning mind.

The spiritual path is meant to empower us, and having the ability to discern the darkness in ourselves and in others is very self-empowering. We then understand that no matter what the spiritual leader may say, they really do not have all the answers, and neither are they fully enlightened, even if they say they are spirit inspired. I have known many well-known and not-so-well-known "spirit-inspired" spiritual leaders and teachers who are also neurotic, narcissistic and sociopathic. And followers blindly follow the ways because they do not know better.

With empathy and discernment, and our willingness to look within ourselves, we can appreciate the complexities of the spiritual path while remaining true to our spiritual aspirations. As we walk the path of self-discovery, we foster a deeper connection with ourselves and those who inspire us, embarking on a transformative and authentic spiritual journey.


© Shamala Tan 2023

Let me know how I can assist you if you have any questions [email protected]

Shamala Tan is an author, spiritual entrepreneur and healer. Her work focuses on transforming the lives of others on the spiritual, emotional, mental and earthly levels.

One of her success stories as an author is to be featured alongside New York’s bestsellers Sonia Choquette, Robert Allen, Arielle Ford, Marci Shimoff as well as Christine Kloser in the book Pebbles In The Pond.

Shamala’s clients include small business owners, holistic practitioners as well as those seeking to find more significant meaning and value in life. Shamala offers laser coaching to her clients on a one-to-one basis or in a group environment, offline as well as online.


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