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Nature is speaking to you, are you listening?

Nature has a way of sending us messages and communicating with us if we see them as an extension of ourselves. 

The past week alone I had two encounters with birds. Almost all my life, birds have played a significant role in my life, as messengers, as hint givers. 

Some examples of these would be: from a bird flying into my home at 4 am to sing a song as an affirmative when I asked for a sign the night before about a decision; to flying into a food court where I was seated and then slamming itself on the glass wall behind me and landing on my plate right in front of me. (She wasn't hurt, by the way, she only laid there for a minute or two and then flew off)

The past week, two encounters made me really sit up and take notice, the first one was a bird that flew right at my face only stopping a few inches away, and of course, I dodged. 

This was a hint to make me more aware of what is to come in my life, and I know it is without challenges. And the second encounter was a beautiful one, re-assuring me -- this came in the form of a low flying bird who came close to me and then dropped a fruit (jambu fruit also known as the rose apple) at my foot.

With these in my face hints, how can I ignore them? 

The worldwide lockdown has allowed nature to flow much more magnificently, to own its place, even if for a little while, before humans take over again. And hopefully in the human comeback with less of a grip and with far less destruction than the past. Just taking a walk around these days is so pleasant, and in Singapore, where trees and shrubs are usually pruned and the grass cut to keep everything neat and tidy, it is a refreshing change to see overgrown grass and wildflowers everywhere. Social distancing is truly allowing nature to run its natural course. 

  • What have you noticed these days when you are out there taking a walk?
  • What signs from nature do you see in and around your home?
  • What is nature trying to tell you? 

And what's more, we are right in the middle of a THREE eclipse season. This is an extremely rare occurrence. We started with a lunar eclipse in early June with the full moon, and next, we will have a solar eclipse on 21 June and followed by another lunar eclipse on 5th July during the full moon. So three eclipses during a single full moon cycle. 

  • What do you think this season is about for you?
  • What emotional challenges/enlightenment are eclipsing in your life?
  • Perhaps you are seeking clarity about a situation after some time of darkness?

I do not mean to go all woo-hoo on you here, but there are definitely so many natural things that are occurring that we cannot ignore and we cannot simply put them down as coincidences. 

During this season, I urge you to take some time to listen, to watch, mother nature has a lot to say to you, and perhaps the birds are speaking to you like they are to me. Are you paying attention? 


©2020 Shamala Tan

Let me know how I can assist you if you have any questions [email protected]

Shamala Tan is an author, spiritual entrepreneur and healer. Her work focuses on transforming the lives of others on the spiritual, emotional, mental and earthly level.

One of her success stories as an author is to being featured alongside New York’s bestsellers Sonia Choquette, Robert Allen, Arielle Ford, Marci Shimoff as well as Christine Kloser in the book Pebbles In The Pond.

Shamala’s clients include small business owners, holistic practitioners as well as those seeking to find more significant meaning and value in life. Shamala offers laser coaching to her clients on a one-to-one basis or in a group environment, offline as well as online.


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