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The virus is like our negative thoughts, infiltrating every aspect of our lives

I found this quote the other day:

Strength is what we gain from the madness we survive - unknown

And this is exactly where we are as a planet. This level of madness is where we are detached from it, yet involved in it. We are part of it. Yet, somehow we are onlookers and voyeurs, tracking the numbers, seeing how many more are being infected. And it is a reality we are all dealing with, worldwide. 

I'm not going to spill the same rhetoric as many other articles out there where I tell you that, for the first time almost the entire planet is forced to come together to fight this common enemy and there is no discrimination as to who gets it, who doesn't, and etc. No, I don't need to go there. 

What I'm going to share with you is this: 

We all have had this little madness in us all of this time, pandemic or not - our insecurities, our pride, our fears, our rudeness, our arrogance, our superiority/inferiority complexes, our shame and so much more. These have always been the madness we have been carrying with us. 

We use our madness to keep us separated from others because we fear the unknown, we fear being hurt, we fear being overpowered by another, we fear losing control.  

And now, with social distancing, we have to deal with our madness alone or with a few members of our family (which can drive us mad too!), and if we survive it, we might gain some strength from it. 

But if we thrive from all the madness, enlightenment is certainly within grasp. 

What is happening in the world, is an out-picturing of what has been going on within each of us, within our consciousness. The virus is like our negative thoughts, infiltrating every aspect of our lives. 

Locking us down is forcing us to develop a stronger immunity against our own negative viral thoughts. And how do we do this? By dealing with our own madness in our confined spaces, granted we don't have padded walls, only padded lifestyles. 

Choosing to stay home, is a choice we make daily now. Choosing positive thoughts over negative ones is also a choice we are urged to make daily NOW.

Choose wisely, the success of your homestay depends on it. 


(Read my previous article on how to choose positive thoughts over negative ones Tips on self awareness while you're stuck at home More will be shared in next week's article)


©2020 Shamala Tan

Let me know how I can assist you if you have any questions [email protected]

Shamala Tan is an author, spiritual entrepreneur and healer. Her work focuses on transforming the lives of others on the spiritual, emotional, mental and earthly level.

One of her success stories as an author is to being featured alongside New York’s bestsellers Sonia Choquette, Robert Allen, Arielle Ford, Marci Shimoff as well as Christine Kloser in the book Pebbles In The Pond.

Shamala’s clients include small business owners, holistic practitioners as well as those seeking to find more significant meaning and value in life. Shamala offers laser coaching to her clients on a one-to-one basis or in a group environment, offline as well as online.


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