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Blog Posts

The Power of Emotional Experiences: Cultivating Growth and Seeking Support

Emotional experiences have the incredible power to shape our lives, fostering personal growth, self-discovery, and healing. In this blog article, we will explore the transformative potential of emotional experiences, emphasizing the importance of embracing emotions, seeking support, and nurturing our journey of growth and self-realization. By harnessing the power of our emotions, we can unlock profound insights and pave the way for positive transformation.

Understanding the Transformative...

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Understanding Emotional Triggers and Responses: Exploring the Difference

Here's a video, if you prefer to watch the video rather than read it:


Emotions play a significant role in our lives, shaping our experiences and influencing our interactions with others. At times, we find ourselves in situations where our emotions are heightened, and it becomes essential to differentiate between being triggered and having an emotional response. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they actually represent distinct aspects of our emotional landscape.


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When the solution is a simple thing called: Conscious Breathing

Breathing is an essential part of living, but have you ever thought about the stress-relieving benefits of conscious breathing? Many people are not aware of how focusing on their breath can bring clarity to their minds, especially in challenging situations. By taking deep breaths, you can rapidly oxygenate your brain and promote clearer thinking, which can help you find solutions to problems.

When we are stressed, our muscles become tense, making it difficult to take deep breaths. However, if...

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Understanding the Impact of Habits on Our Relationships, Work, and More

When we think about habits, our minds often jump to negative ones like drinking, smoking, or overeating. But if we take a moment to reflect, we'll realize that everything we do is a habit. Procrastination is a habit, wealth is a habit, poverty is a habit, and even our health is a habit.

Our habits originate from our thoughts, which then affect our actions and behaviors. So if there's a part of ourselves that we want to change but find ourselves repeating the same pattern, we need to change...

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Uncovering Trauma Responses: The Path to Spiritual Progress

How to Face Your Trauma Responses with Love and Courage

Most people are not aware of the trauma that they are carrying within, and more often than not, people brush them off as something they experienced, and they think it is normal. While it is common, it does not mean that it is healthy.

Trauma can be a heavy burden that we carry with us, often long after the actual event has passed. It can affect us in ways that we may not even be aware of, hindering our spiritual progress and preventing...

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From Struggle to Serenity: Transforming Negative Feelings into Positive Energies

Uncovering the Roots of Your Negative Emotions and Learning to Embrace Love, Joy, and Peace

I wanted to talk to you today about negative emotions and feelings and how they can impact our lives.

It's common for people to think that it's okay to indulge in negative emotions and feelings, and there's this popular new age phrase to "go with the flow". But I think this phrase can be misleading. What flow is this? It could be a negative flow if someone is in a negative state of mind, or it could...

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We Cannot Pray In Love & Live In Hate

Have you ever known someone who goes to church every Sunday, but still treats others with cruelty and disrespect? Or, maybe you've heard of someone who meditates daily but struggles with self-love and low self-esteem.

This is because loving energy and religious/spiritual practice do not always align.

We often associate prayer with religious institutions or acts of worship, but it can also be defined as an attempt to connect with a higher power or achieve a life goal. This includes...

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Freedom To Be Authentic

One of the most valuable gifts we can give ourselves is the freedom to be our authentic selves. There are many points of argument on what is the Authentic Self.

Some may say it is the freedom to be whatever they want to be...

Others say it is to be aligned with one's soul and to be that soul on earth without conforming to the pressures and cookie-cutter uniformity of society...

And there are others who say that being the Authentic Self is to be faithful to one's inner...

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When People Have A Habit Of Letting You Down, What Can You Do?

You may have read articles or books that tell you to remove yourself from people who have made it a habit of letting you down. Yes, we all know this in our heads and hearts. But the reality is, there are some circumstances in life, where you may be torn as to whether you should remove yourself or the other person from your life. For example, it can be a business partner, a colleague, a parent, a sibling, a spouse, or an ex whom you share children with.

What can you do in these circumstances?

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The Poison Of Resentment

Resentment is basically poison that we feed ourselves overtime to kill ourselves emotionally, mentally, spiritually and eventually physically. We think that it is other people's fault when we are resentful towards them, we feel that they are the cause of our resentment, and we want them to change. 

The deep anger, frustration, and sense of being helpless when it comes to one's relationship with another create such toxic vibes that they linger for a long time.

Every time there is...

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