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Blog Posts

The Courage To Choose Yourself

How Much Do You Value Your Life?

We often go through life without truly assessing how much we value our own existence. Sure, we take the usual precautions—locking our doors, eating healthily, avoiding risky behaviours—but when push comes to shove, do we really know where we draw the line? Do we truly grasp the worth of our own lives? Sometimes, life presents us with situations that force us to ask difficult questions about our values, choices, and the very essence of what it means...

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Understanding Honesty: Why We Evade Truth in Relationships and How to Foster Openness

Relationships, the cornerstone of human connection, often face the challenge of dishonesty. Many individuals find themselves evading the truth or lying outright to their partners. But why? And how can we change this pattern? Let's delve deeper into the reasons and discover ways to nurture honesty.

The Roots of Dishonesty in Relationships:

Dodging Consequences: A common reason many choose to hide the truth is to avoid facing the outcomes. It's a protective mechanism, thinking if they don't...

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Embracing Personal Power: The Art of Self-Respect, Not Emotional Blackmail

In today's world, where the dialogue about mental health is gaining momentum, it's more important than ever to understand the essence of personal power and self-respect.

Embracing your personal power - the innate, unconditional strength that resides within each one of us - is an art. It is the art of self-respect, the art of standing up for yourself, the art of maintaining your ground, all while treating others with kindness and consideration. This power is not about controlling the will of...

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