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Blog Posts

Living Beyond the Earthly World: A Journey into the Depths of the Soul

In our fast-paced, material-driven society, it's easy to become entangled in the superficial and transient aspects of life. However, for those who seek deeper meaning, it's crucial to recognise that everything happening here on Earth is part of a grander scheme. The lessons we encounter are not merely for our earthly existence but are designed to guide our soul's evolution. This journey requires us to dig deep within ourselves, facing challenges that test our spirit and fortitude. It is...

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Developing Discernment: Why Blindly Trusting Spiritual Leaders Can Be Problematic

In our quest for spiritual growth and enlightenment, we often seek guidance from spiritual leaders, teachers, and gurus (this includes pastors, priests, nuns, monks, etc). We hold them in high regard, believing they possess profound wisdom to navigate life's complexities. Yet, amidst our admiration, it is crucial to acknowledge the importance of understanding the darkness within ourselves. By exploring our motivations and emotional patterns, we can perceive the shadows that also exist in our...

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Shattering Illusions: Unmasking the Threats of Group Think in Spirituality and Society

In our interconnected world, where information is at our fingertips, it's crucial to protect ourselves from the perils of groupthink. This phenomenon can have a profound impact on various aspects of our lives, including our spiritual communities. In this article, we'll explore the risks associated with group thinking and discover practical strategies to foster independent thinking and embrace diverse perspectives, empowering ourselves to break free from the chains of conformity.

The Power of...

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Unmasking Your Inner Saboteur: Conquering Spiritual Excuses and Embracing Success

Many spiritual seekers often use spiritual excuses to avoid taking action towards their goals or facing their shadow selves. These excuses can be so convincing that they prevent us from realizing our true potential and living the life we desire.

We will examine some common spiritual excuses and the underlying realities behind them so that we can recognize and confront our shadow selves and move towards a more fulfilling life. So, let's dive in and explore.

We may know that there is certain...

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Uncovering Trauma Responses: The Path to Spiritual Progress

How to Face Your Trauma Responses with Love and Courage

Most people are not aware of the trauma that they are carrying within, and more often than not, people brush them off as something they experienced, and they think it is normal. While it is common, it does not mean that it is healthy.

Trauma can be a heavy burden that we carry with us, often long after the actual event has passed. It can affect us in ways that we may not even be aware of, hindering our spiritual progress and preventing...

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