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Important time in Human History to think independently and critically

One of the biggest downfalls in our human history has always been humanity's choice to go for the path of least resistance resulting in the lack of independent or critical thinking. And simply going with whatever is told to us.

I know this sounds harsh but perhaps instead of jumping to react to what I just said, ask yourself: why are you even reacting to what I just said (i.e. if you felt a reactionary knee jerk sensation in your stomach) 

What does it mean to think independently and criticall...

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De-Humanising People We Dislike

Uncategorized Sep 06, 2021

When we dislike certain behaviours of people we don't personally know, it is so easy to de-humanise them. We just see them as OTHER people with no connection to us whatsoever.

And we no longer identify them as real people with families or people with parents or kids. They are just blank faces with bad behaviours. We pigeonhole them and they become just another collective group of people to us. 

I had an interesting encounter where I became the other people. It's a funny one. I usually walk th...

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Brainwashing is not as obvious as we think

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2021

Some of us indulge in delusional positivity just to feel good for the moment, others believe in the delusion daily until they no longer know what is the truth what is delusion anymore. 

This is the nature of our minds. It is indeed what we think that decides how we perceive and relate to reality. 

I had a funny conversation with my 88-year-old dad, he really wanted to eat poh-piah (spring roll) from a particular restaurant. I told him that I would buy them for him the next time I see him, but ...

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Are you saying yes to everyone else, except yourself?

The unconscious agreements we make with the world -- where we agree to say yes to everyone, even at the expense of our own happiness. 

The Yes-es we agree to are not even literal. It is not about us uttering the word, yes, it is our action, taking on more at our own expense because we think we should. 

Here's a checklist that you might find useful:

  • Do you say yes to your loved ones to keep the peace?
  • Do you say yes to more work in your office because you feel not good enough to stand up fo...
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The Power We Think We Have, And The Power We Think We Do Not Have

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2021

Power is a funny thing. 

Often, we think power is a strong force or big energy. But sometimes, the most subtle experience of power can transform our own lives or the lives of others. And we do not see it or experience it as such.

Power for some is exuded from their aura, and they do not even have to do anything, because they are built that way in their energy system. And maybe, they are not even conscious of the power they hold. Usually, this power is meant and used for their higher purpose. 

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You have to complete your childhood in order to access the purity of childlike innocence

I know, the title of this article sounds ironic. Doesn't seem to make sense? Read on...

Most people in so many different ways have not completed their childhood. What do I mean by that? Learning how to parent one's inner child, for most, may never happen. For others, if they have self-awareness, may start to see how important it is to do so so that they are not relying on their partners, friends, people around them to do it for them!

How do these usually manifest?

Here's an example: Needing ...

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When we confuse patience with not doing anything...

Uncategorized Jun 07, 2021

I feel that one of the most misunderstood guidance we may have given to others is the idea of patience. Whenever we tell someone to have patience, they automatically relax and stop doing anything and they just wait for things to happen for them, or to them. 

I have lost count of the number of times I tell my clients or students to have patience, and then they stop what they are supposed to be doing. 

They feel defeated as if the results they want is too far away that they want to give up. 


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The Lure Of Fast Tracks, Quick Fixes & Bypassing

Uncategorized May 31, 2021

We pay a premium just to get ahead. 

There's something so alluring about the idea of being on the fast track. At the airport, when the first and business class passengers are being called to board the plane, the rest from the cattle stall class have a look in our eyes. Sideglancing at those first class-ers, checking them out, and maybe even judging them.

The allure of the fast track in hotels, entertainment centres, clubs, amusement centres, restaurants, and more, promotes an air of importance...

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When someone triggers us, it is our own stuff and it is difficult to own them

Uncategorized May 24, 2021

This has got to be one of the most difficult lessons for all of us: being triggered and owning it. 

If we are honest with ourselves, and if we count the number of times we are triggered by people we love, our friends, things we read, people we see, and even strangers have tremendous power to trigger us. 

And all this time, we think that it is other people that are off and that they should change. Now granted, there are people who really need to change their behaviour but that is not up to us, ...

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The Unhealed Child Mindset and what is it doing in the world these days....

Uncategorized May 17, 2021

It is so easy to fall into mass consciousness thinking and to go with the easy because it is automatic and doesn't require us to think or make a decision. There are good sides and not so good sides to this.

In order to grow as individuals, it is part of the process for us to know when to move out of mass thinking, come to our own conclusions and make our decisions from there. This is definitely the case when it comes to making our life's decisions. 

If you wish to develop a positive mindset, t...

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