We are works in progress.
This is the whole point about our human lives, working in progress. The problem with the world is, we want to see in ourselves and others, on the extreme ends of the spectrum. We want to see or label ourselves or each other as success or failure. When truly, we are mostly within the spectrum of works in progress.
When we introduce someone or we ourselves get introduced to an audience, we are often labelled, this is Mr or Mrs XX, a successful XXX. And when we indulge i...
One of the many things that people do not tell us enough as we're growing up is that WE WILL STRUGGLE. Struggling is a part of life, but they do pass.
Sometimes our struggles are small, and sometimes extremely devastating. Sometimes the struggles are long term, other times they are short terms. We MUST know this, that in our struggles we are learning to understand the size of our cocoon, and maybe we are trying to get out of the cocoon at various stages of our lives, but we will struggle.
Far ...
No matter who that someone is, if they steal your peace of mind, you need to set up boundaries.Â
Do not allow other people's bad moods to steal your good mood. How they wish to brood or be moody should not determine how you want to experience yours.Â
If you experience peace within your heart and someone tells you that you're not caring enough, because they are not experiencing peace and they want you to empathise by losing your peace, then you know that this is a toxic connection.Â
Someone wh...
Animals follow their herd instinct mostly for survival and to keep each other safe.
Unfortunately for us humans, when we go with the herd mentality, usually we end up doing dumb and stupid things to ourselves.
While animals are meant to evolve as a group consciousness, the human's journey is about being self-realised persons, and then enlightened persons.
Unfortunately, we are far from being self-realised as a species. And truly self-realised or enlightened persons are a minority and we have ...
False-negative, and false-positive - this has got to be the most confusing concept for people on the path of personal or spiritual development, and I hope to throw light into this.
The confusion comes in because most people do not yet understand the difference between an observation and a judgment. It is funny when this happens, and even loved ones with their accusations say to me: why is it when you say something it is an observation but when I say something it is a judgment. This is where tem...
What is Psychic Debt?
To put it simply, it is a process where you feel you owe someone or someone owes you something which you cannot exactly measure. This is the most common in friendships and romantic relationships, where one person seems to have contributed more to the connection. Usually, the one who perceives himself/herself as contributing more would feel like the other owes them. Or sometimes, depending on the mindset of a person, they may feel like they do not deserve what has been give...
Getting the right perception of self has to be one of the most difficult things to achieve because it requires a high level of self-awareness.
Most people are still working in progress or have not even started in the area of self-awareness.
People you meet or even yourself could be either thinking that they/you are better at something than they/you actually are. Or thinking that they/you are not as good as they/you are when in truth they/you are meeting the standards!
This can be tricky for s...
If you have not read part 1 of this sharing, go HERE
What are spiritual boundaries? This is not what people think. Most people think that if they are practising a certain religion, they cannot pray or think of another 'god' and that spiritual warfare will happen as if the gods are having a war over them. (It's a little egotistical thinking happening here) So they think that to practice spiritual boundaries, they need to disown other religions or even start a war in the name of theirs.
Do you know that you can tell a lot about a person by how they exercise boundaries or not? So for eg, if someone stands too close to you while talking to you, and this person is not your lover, partner, child, parent or sibling, this person is likely run by their inner child consciousness, most of the time.
It does not matter what the person's intention is, whether innocent intent or not, meaning that they do not get social context types of boundaries.
What does it mean to be run by one's inne...
I came across this quote this morning from Simon Sinek: Bad leaders care about who's right. Good leaders care about what's right.
People who care about being right can never be good leaders. Caring about what's right, however, keeps us open to the possibilities of solutions and what can work for the greater good.
I remember years ago living in a small neighbourhood near the Portsdown area here in Singapore, a group of us neighbours became good buddies, lunching together and doing things togeth...
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